Session 7 – Finishing Strong!

“Gratitude is not only the greatest of all virtues, but the parent of all others…”                – Cicero

The first two weeks of Session 7, our final session of the year, were jam-packed! There were: thought-provoking launches, reflections on the entire year, creating their portfolios, pacing and/or catching up with their Core Skills badges, IOWA testing, Sanskrit assessments, finishing Writer’s Workshop challenges, etc.

Here are some highlights of our discussions and learning challenges:

  1. Finish Strong or Take It Easty (Senioritis): The guides began by sharing a personal anecdote about “Senioritis” before asking: Do you end the year working even harder, spending every minute you have to maximize whatever little time you have left? OR do you consider how hard you have worked throughout the year, and take it easy since you’re satisfied with the amazing things you’ve accomplished so far? In other words, do you Finish Strong, or succumb to Senioritis? For motivation, we watched this inspiring video.
  2. The Quality of the Session: Gratitude.  We watched  this amazing video, a Warrior favorite, before discussing the power of Gratitude. Then for a more in depth analysis on how powerful gratitude really is, we watched this video on the Science of Gratitude based on the work of Dr. Robert Emmons, before challenging Warriors to make their own gratitude lists and gratitude letters. We also conducted another Socratic discussion on the Sanskrit phrase: Krutaghne naasti nishkruti – (There is not atonement for being ungrateful.)
  3. Reflections: Warriors reflected on various things including their own 360 reviews, the surveys from the Drama Quest Exhibition, launches throughout the year, the Question of the Year, etc.
  4. Hero’s Journey Launch- Halie Thomas: Warriors were amazed by the courage and passion of teenager Haile Thomas, who has been inspiring thousands of people to make healthier food choices and even teaching them how to cook healthier alternatives. Check out her amazing story here!
  5. Quest / Portofolio Creation: This session Warriors have been working diligently on creating their end of the year portfolios. In addition to writing several reflections on Socratic themes throughout the year, Warriors have been putting together their own portfolios as comprehensive files to highlight their amazing accomplishments throughout the year. Once their portfolios are ready they are eager to review them with their parents and show them the incredible things they’ve done this year. Once parents and Warriors have met and completed a portfolio review document, parents can also sign up to meet with guides during the last week of school. Once Warriors have completed their portfolios, they can conduct independent studies during Quest time, or work on Core Skills at their discretion.
  6. Apprenticeship Updates: Middle School Warriors have been working diligently on their apprenticeship badge, the first real-world step to finding their calling! They have spent weeks researching, discussing, debating, and deliberating on the various scenarios, questions, and outcomes that they may encounter as they seek real-world experiences to shape their destiny. Moreover, they have worked hard on their introductory emails and started sending them out to potential mentors.

Looking forward to finishing strong as we close out the school year! Hope you enjoy the pictures!